Mike Lentz Nature Photography

Unforgettable Nature Images
Photographing birds takes time, serious study, planning, preparation and organization.  I receive a lot of questions on how to get great bird photographs, those types of questions let me know that I need to take some time to explain the complexities, and fun, of good wildlife photography. Nature photography is about so much more than just opportunity, a point and shoot moment. It’s about the adventure of getting outdoors to observe and learn about wild birds and then creating something of beauty to take home with you.

I’m happy to shed some light on what it takes to capture good photographs of wild life, and be fun and engaging along the way. Those readers who are not ready to think about or invest in camera equipment should not be discouraged. Just enjoy the bird photos and the adventures that go along with capturing those photos. And when you are outdoors enjoying the birds, think about how you would bring those memories back home with you.

Things to consider are getting out early or late for that soft golden light that all photographers love.  When you find a good subject matter make a plan on how you would like the photograph to look all while considering your backgrounds and light direction etc. Sometimes it will take multiple photo sessions to get the type of image you imagined, that’s where persistence and diligence pays dividends.  Once I get a subject matter that is comfortable with my presence, I make sure and change my settings for DOF and my compositions to yield a variety of different finished looks.


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