Mike Lentz Nature Photography
It's all about the lightMating loons usually choose an island location and both sexes build the nest. An island helps protect the eggs from some mainland predators. The female lays between 1-3 eggs which hatch a month later. Most females lay 2 eggs and both sexes incubate the eggs and watch and feed the chicks after they hatch. Most breeding pairs fledge only one bird due to weather, stress, predators and humans.
Fortunately for the loons, humans who are partially responsible for their numbers decreasing, are now beating the conservation drum. Organizations have been formed in recent decades which have put into motion many measures to protect the Common Loon. Legislation has been passed, the public is being educated and nesting is being assisted through man made platforms. All these measures are making small incremental changes in keeping loon numbers from further decline and hopefully along with new countermeasures will start to increase loon population.